You Are an Artist!

The first question you'll need to ask yourself is "what is art?" I know it seems like a silly question, but it is absolutely necessary to eliminate self-doubt and reassure yourself that there is no right or wrong way to create! Small exercises can also help with reassuring yourself for creating a style and/or method for your own personal taste. 

The dictionary term for art is "the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power." Take note that nothing within that description mentions ability, style, or technique. It's easy to assume that a "good" artist is someone who can take graphite and create a photo realistic drawing. I'm telling you now that this is a false accusation. While yes, artists who can achieve realism are good at what they do, it is not the only art form. If you haven't heard of Picasso, Jackson Pollock, or Gustav Klimt, who are all very famous painters, you wouldn't realize that cubism and abstract style is only a select few forms of art. And even within those forms they are divided up among similar styles. As an artist, you don't have to chose. Many artist don't, and are later on classified within a specific form. Take your time, and don't worry about where you fit in. You're an artist, you don't need to.

The second thing you need to realize is that art comes in many mediums. For those who don't know, mediums are materials you use to create your artwork. Most mediums are split up into categories of the type of art (e.g. architecture, traditional, electronic, etc.). Below are a list of these categories and their mediums.

  • Traditional
    • Acrylic
    • Chalk
    • Oil Pastel
    • Gouache
    • Ink
    • Sand
    • Watercolor
  • Electronic
    • Graphic Art Software
    • Digital Printing
    • Programming 
  • Photography
    • Film
    • Digital Image Sensor
    • Silver Nitrate
  • Sculpture
    • Glass
    • Clay
    • Bone
    • Marble
    • Plaster
    • Wood
Of course within these mediums are the bases. Bases are what the mediums are used on. For example, when you draw traditionally, you may use graphite on paper. The paper is the base of the medium. Bases can also be mediums. For example, when a woodworker carves, the wood they use is not only their medium, but their base. As an artist are you forced to choose a medium right away and stick with it for the rest of your career? Of course not! By all means, and I encourage this, dip your foot into each medium to be well-rounded. Learn the basics of everything, in no way will it hurt you or your career! 

Now you're probably thinking "Why is art so important?" Believe it or not, art is everything. The base to everything is, in fact, art! The house you live in? An architect created blueprints, and the architects who made your house? All artists! The website you were just on, the commercial you just saw, all graphic artists created them. Our history and everything we know is set on the foundations of art. Without the art of the ancient civilizations, we would know nothing. Language is art! The next time you see a poster or even a can label at your local grocery store, you're face-to-face with art. That being said, if you think you're not an artist, newsflash: you are.
Word Count: 532


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